Monday, August 20, 2012

Anacapa Island Aug 18, 2012

It completely slipped my mind that I should really be posting about my dives on this blog. I have been randomly scattering links for my dives all over Facebook, Youtube, and other random social media websites. This simplifies everything posting it here. I can also give my feedback as well. So going forward, I'm going to just list all the relevant links for that dive here on this blog. I will most likely provide some brief information about the dive and destination that was traveled. Less works for me, less links spammed out, more blog entries. A win for everyone.

I booked this trip through Sports Chalet on the Spectre. This was a great deal, 4 dives for $125 making it around $31/dive. Great deal! I jumped on this fast. Since Ventura, CA was a bit far for me, I went over and stayed on the boat overnight. We also ate locally at the various restaurants and bars around the marina. Restaurants around the dock were a little bit pricy.

Overall the weather was great this weekend. Started the day off a little cloudy but quickly burned off to a nice sunny day. The water was in the mid to high 60s (low 65f - high 68f). Visibility was amazing. I believe it was almost 40+ feet of visibility at some points. There were so much krill and plankton that was actually what was reducing the visibility. We did two dives at Cathedral Cove, and moved on to Catacombs, and finished at Big Rock. Areas were all protected so no hunting, just a lot of photo shooting. Tons of nudibranch hiding in the Catacombs.

Here are the refined photos.

The raws of all the photo taken.

Lastly... the video of the sea lions at play.

Written by: Wayne Lu, Aug 20, 2012

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