Sunday, June 24, 2012

Tips n Tricks: Remember to Look Up

I remember one of things that was repeated constantly throughout the time while I was going through my certification programs abouts staying active and alert while underwater which is a very important defense mechanism. For example… it prevents you from running into fire coral, potentially poisonous fish, harming a reef, or dropping into the great abyss. However, it also prevents you from missing something important things.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Father's Day Gifts

First let me begin by wishing all the fathers out there a Happy Belated Father's Day and kudos to my wife and two boys - they definitely get two thumbs for my great father's day gifts.  To say I was happy with my gifts is an understatement.  They got me gifts for my two passions -- golf (I'm no McIlroy but I sure have fun trying) and diving.  I was so excited to get from them the new GoPro dive housing which is the "fix" that they came up with for us divers.  I currently have for my housing a flat lens which my good friend Wayne gave me but I noticed that when you take pictures it leaves a halo effect but funny enough it doesn't when you are in video mode.

So....since I am going to dive this weekend at the Blue Heron Bridge I will be trying out my new lens and I'll let you be the judge on the "fix".  Stay tuned....

So...Diveonauts Dive!
Written by:  Rick Suarez, June 19, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Catch a shark by its tail...

Whenever I tell people one of my hobbies is diving, I am often asked... are you not afraid of sharks? Honest answer? Yes. I am afraid of sharks... the ones in movies with a vendetta against humans because someone did something to their habitat. But no, I am not exactly afraid of the sharks here in California waters. Respect them and leave them be if you do not want uninvited attention. Most animals are suspicious of you and are probably equally worried that you are going to hurt them as you are afraid they are going to hurt you.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Dania Beach Pier Cleanup

Dania Beach Pier
Last Sunday a group of us headed over to Dania Beach to help with the pier cleanup that our local dive shop, Divers Cove, sponsored.  We were so fortunate that it was nice sunny day with absolutely no rain...which is saying a lot for a June day in Florida!  

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Breakfast Underwater

My favorite meal of the day is BREAKFAST! Why you ask? Why breakfast? Because it's the meal I can have eggs in so many ways. Fried, sunnyside up, over easy, medium, poached, and scrambled. I would go ahead and venture that I make some of the best scrambled eggs. Don't believe me? Challenge me then to a cook off! Dare you. So what does this have to do with scuba? Not much really... except someone at Ocean Safari told me it was cool to crack an egg underwater. So guess what? We did!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Month of May in Review!

The month of May was an exciting month for scuba divers! Fun events, new toys, and with improving weather conditions makes for wonderful diving experiences! The beginning of the month kicked off with back to back events from Chamber Day and Eve to the Scuba Show. The month wrapped up with a Memorial Day party including a park BBQ and dives. I should have blogged these events separately but instead I'm doing it as one big update so this may be a long blog with a few videos! This post has a little something for everyone including a quick chat about the new gear out in the market.